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【上海】AIR招聘 博士后 人工智能领域优秀科研人员



为吸引优秀青年学者来清华大学智能产业研究院(Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University,英文简称AIR)开展研究工作,支持青年学者学术生涯发展,培育人工智能领域拔尖人才,开启2021秋季博士后招聘,优秀者支持申报国家博士后人才项目及清华大学“水木学者”计划。

1 研究方向


2 合作导师

张亚勤  清华大学智能产业研究院院长、清华大学智能科学讲席教授
马维英  清华大学智能产业研究院首席科学家、惠妍讲席教授
刘    洋  清华大学智能产业研究院副院长、清华大学计算机科学与技术系教授
聂再清  清华大学智能产业研究院首席研究员、清华大学国强教授
刘云新  清华大学智能产业研究院首席研究员、清华大学国强教授
刘菁菁  清华大学智能产业研究院首席研究员、清华大学国强教授

3 薪酬待遇


4 申报条件

  1. 35周岁以下;

  2. 即将获得博士学位,或获得博士学位不超过三年;

  3. 进校后须全职在清华大学智能产业研究院工作;

  4. 有科研理想与创新精神,具备卓越的提出问题和解决问题能力。


5 时间安排

结果公布时间:AIR Postdoc2021年11月上旬,水木学者2021年12月上旬。

6 联系方式

请将个人学术简历、代表性学术成果邮件发送至airhr@air.tsinghua.edu.cn,主题命名:“AIR Postdoc+研究方向”,意向合作导师也请在邮件中注明,如有多位可排序。

To attract outstanding young scholars and carry out Research in Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) of Tsinghua University, support the academic career development of young scholars and cultivate top tier talents in the field of artificial intelligence, applications for the National Postdoc Talent and 2021 Shuimu Scholar Program are now opened and the selection period begins. We encourage scholars who are committed to academic research and innovation to apply for this prestigious program.

1 Research Areas

Covering computer vision, multimodal perception, deep learning, reinforcement learning, adversarial learning, robotics, computer graphics, natural language processing, data mining, personalized recommendation, causal inference, graph neural network, intelligent computing system, edge Computing, mobile computing, AIOT, security and data protection, federated learning, distributed machine learning and operations research optimization, bioinformatics, medicinal chemistry, generative design, 3D printing automation.

2 Academic Advisor

AIR Postdoc will be advised by one of the following professors:
Ya-Qin Zhang  Dean of AIR, Chair Professor of AI Science, Tsinghua University
Wei-Ying Ma  Chief Scientist of AIR, Huiyan Chair Professor
Yang Liu  Associate Dean of AIR, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University
Zaiqing Nie  Principal Investigator of AIR, Guoqiang Professor of AIR
Yunxin Liu  Principal Investigator of AIR, Guoqiang Professor of AIR
Jingjing Liu  Principal Investigator of AIR, Guoqiang Professor of AIR

3 Benefits

AIR Postdoc (including Shuimu Scholars) will receive an annual salary from 300,000 to 45,000 RMB (pre-tax) .

Transitional housing on the campus or housing subsidies of 42,000 RMB per year will be provided. AIR Postdocs enjoy the same medical plan privileges as Tsinghua faculties, and their children are offered positions at Tsinghua University’s kindergarten and primary school.

They can also participate in career training courses offered to Tsinghua faculties, and can apply for funds and allowances for attending top-level international conferences.

4 Application Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
  1. Be under 35 years old;

  2. Obtained PhD degree within the past three years (fresh PhD graduates are preferred);

  3. Commit full time work at AIR;

  4. Have scientific research ideal and innovative spirit, have outstanding problem raising and solving ability.

Applicants selected for the International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program (Talent-Introduction Program) can directly enter the "Shuimu Scholar Program" after being recommended by AIR.

5 Timeline

Submission: 23 September  - 20 October, 2021
Interview:  21 - 23 October, 2021
Result releasing: AIR Postdoc in November 2021; Shuimu Scholars in December 2021.

6 Apply Now

If you are interested, please send your curriculum vitae and representative academic achievements to airhr@air.tsinghua.edu.cn;Email subject : "AIR Postdoc+ Research Direction". Please also indicate your preferred academic advisor in the email.


清华大学智能产业研究院(Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University,英文简称AIR,THU)是面向第四次工业革命的国际化、智能化、产业化的应用研究机构。AIR的使命是利用人工智能技术赋能产业升级、推动社会进步。通过大学与企业创新双引擎,突破人工智能核心技术,培养智能产业领军人才,推动智能产业跨越式发展。



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