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GSS2022 精彩预告|大师讲座:数字创新在医疗中的应用——概念与案例探究



Theme and Introduction


Digital Innovation in Healthcare:

 Concepts and Case Studies


Digital technology, such as AI, telemedicine, the internet of things (IoT), big data analytics and 5G networks, has vast potential to impact on healthcare. However, the pace of adoption of digital technology has been slow in healthcare settings. This is related to a complex interaction of technical and non-technical factors. For example, many AI and digital technology has been narrowly tested in highly experimental “lab settings” and not validated in “real-world” clinical settings and in local patient populations and context. Non-technical factors also impede the adoption and scaling of such technology in healthcare. This talk will share concepts of AI, telemedicine and other digital technology. It will cover case studies and lessons learnt in 1) Telemedicine and AI: Developing and scaling of a national telemedicine-based screening program in diabetic retinopathy, a blinding eye disease in diabetes and the challenge of integration and deployment of an AI algorithm into this telemedicine program, 2) Video-consultations: The launch and scaling of video-consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic and 3) Home-monitoring: The design and implementation of a home monitoring system for non-urgent eyecare. Understanding issues and challenges are critical for healthcare policy makers, leaders, clinicians, scientists, engineers and program managers to implement digital innovation in healthcare settings.


 Special Invited Professor




Prof Wong is an ophthalmologist and physician-scientist (Fellow of SNAS and Member of the US NAM) who completed medical school at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and a PhD from the Johns Hopkins University, USA. His last position was Arthur Lim Professor and Medical Director of the Singapore National Eye Center. Prof Wong has also served as Chair of Departments of Ophthalmology at NUS and University of Melbourne, Australia.

Prof Wong is a retinal specialist, with a research portfolio on retinal diseases and ocular imaging, including AI. Prof Wong’s research has improved the understanding of the burden and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of blindness. He has published >1,400 peer-reviewed papers, with papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, JAMA, Annals Internal Medicine, Nature and Nature Medicine. He is Highly Cited Researcher (2018, 2020, 2021). Prof Wong has been recognized with multiple international awards, including Arnall Patz Medal (Macula Society), the Alcon Research Institute Award, the Jose Rizal Medal (Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology). He has received Singapore’s President’s Science and Technology Award.


Academic Support Department

清华大学临床医学院成立于2016 年。学院集医学教育、医疗服务和科学研究「三位一体」,以培养卓越医师和医学科学家为核心要务,借鉴国际医学教育的先进理念和成功经验,遵循医学教育的客观规律,创新医学教育模式和教学方法,构建具有清华风格的「价值塑造、能力培养、知识传授」现代医学教育体系,为服务健康中国战略、促进人类健康事业的发展做出贡献。

School of Clinical Medicine (SCM) was founded in 2016. SCM incorporates medical education, clinical services, and research. The key target is to generate outstanding physicians and medical scientists. Advanced concepts and successful experience are adopted, laws of medical education are followed, and innovative education models and methods are explored. It aims to build up modern medical education system with Tsinghua culture, to service Healthy China, and to contribute to population health.


The 2022 Tsinghua Global Summer School will be held from July 4 to July 10, themed A Healthy Planet for Sustainable Development. There will be more than 1,000 outstanding young students from all over the world participating in the courses online.









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数字媒体艺术 精彩预告 大师讲座 数字创新 数字技术

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