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原创 2023-11-07

Chine Forest, Bournemouth, UK


脊柱森林是一个视听艺术家主导的项目,灵感来自伯恩茅斯著名的脊柱和松树,是对自然环境的数字再现,位于伯恩茅斯老消防站前的霍尔登赫斯特路。伯恩茅斯、基督城和普尔委员会委托迈克尔-格拉布(Michael Grubb)工作室与艺术家朱丽叶-金特罗(Juliet Quintero)和声音设计师科达多科达(Coda to Coda)合作,为这个沉浸式的公共艺术作品提供灯光设计。

Chine Forest is an audio-visual artist-led project inspired by Bournemouth’s famous chines and pines, a digital representation of a natural environment situated on HoldenhurstRoad in front of the Old Fire Station. Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council appointed Michael Grubb Studio to provide the Lighting Design for this immersive public artwork in collaboration with the artist Juliet Quintero and sound designers Coda to Coda.

该装置由一系列不同高度的 17 根光柱组成,集成了 LED 灯具和扬声器,并与中央控制系统相连,可对每根光柱进行动态照明控制。

The installation is composed of a series of seventeen lighting columns of varying heights, integrated with LED lighting and speakers all connected to a central control system that provided dynamic lighting control within each column.


The concept was incredibly ambitious; in total there are 27 lighting scenes, 6 different lit portals and an Oral History aesthetic of white, set with 72 recorded sounds. The scenes change every 30 minutes, running from 8:00 am up to 10:30 pm. The programme of sound and lighting followsa circadian rhythm, fluctuating throughout the day. The scene arrangement also varies day to day, to avoid repetition and encourage repeat visits to the area. Every month of the year has an individual scene set which responds to sunrise and sunset times for that season.


Each scene has varying brightness levels, opacity, groups of colours and set sounds to represent scenes that evoke dawn, forest, heathland, river, sea, storm, and insects. The sounds were mixed live on site by Coda de Coda to create a surround sound experience and interest. There are underlying environmental soundtracks with sounds of wildlife recorded from that environment and weather reports such as shipping forecasts.


The challenge for Michael Grubb Studio was creating the right light levels, utilising delicate, opaque light colours with subtle gradients and hues of light. It was an incredibly time-consuming task to create the colour gradients for the complex sequencing programme, but the finished result is striking.

伯恩茅斯委员会兰斯道项目经理 Iona Tovey 说:“这件互动艺术品的设计非常复杂,且雄心勃勃。迈克尔-格拉布工作室的灯光设计体现了艺术家的愿景,通过创意工作坊提出了一个概念,展示了灯光和声音元素如何反映伯恩茅斯周围多样的自然栖息地,以及该镇本身的文化遗产和多样性。”

Iona Tovey, Lansdowne Programme Manager at Bournemouth Council, said: “This interactive artwork featured an incredibly complex and ambitious design. The lighting design from Michael Grubb Studio embodied the artist’s vision, developing a concept through creative workshops to demonstrate how elements of light and sound can reflect the diverse natural habitats that surround Bournemouth and the cultural heritage and diversity of the town itself.”





声音设计 :科达多科达

定制圆柱制造商 :Urbis Schréder

摄影师:亚历克斯-布兰德 Alex Bland


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灯光装置 照明设计

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