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With the Hangzhou Asian Games right around the corner, preparations have entered the final stretch. CGTN reporter Wang Siwen had an exclusive interview with Lu Chuan, the chief director of the Asian Games opening ceremony, to introduce the highlights of the ceremony, including the must-see performances.


杭州亚运会开幕式总导演陆川:开幕式有几幕会永久留在大型开幕式的历史上,比如说开场第一个讲古风宋韵的节目,地屏影像的呈现, 跟演员的表演结合,是一种节制的自信的审美。最后点火仪式非常厉害,装置是杭州雕塑艺术家林刚老师做的,整个仪程都有亮点。也希望大家看一看开幕式的这部小电影,尤其是网络版本,里面也有一些有趣、生动的瞬间。

Lu Chuan: There are several scenes in this opening ceremony that will forever remain in the history of China's large-scale ceremonies or large-scale opening ceremonies. For example, the first show, the rhythm of Song Dynasty, ancient style and charm is very good. Also, the combination of image presentation and actors performance, I hope to find the restrained and confident aesthetic. Finally, the lighting ceremony is very impressive. The installation was made by a great sculptor in Hangzhou, Mr. Lin Gang. The lighting ceremony must be seen. I also hope that everyone will watch this short film for documenting the opening ceremony. I hope that everyone will watch the online version, which also contains some interesting and vivid moments


杭州亚运会开幕式总导演陆川:像沙老师,我觉得他有非常丰富的大型国家仪式的这种制作经验,无论是G20还是当年的七一晚会,尤其在制作团队经历了这些事后,你会觉得很稳,让你觉得非常牢靠,有一种被托底的感觉。崔老师是在杭州成长起来的艺术家,对于杭州的特点、杭州的元素、杭州的文化,她有那种无法替代的深刻了解。我是属于创意型的, 我认为这是完美的结合。

Lu Chuan: Regarding someone like Mr. Sha, I believe he has a wealth of experience in producing large national ceremonies. Whether it's the G20 summit or the July One Evening Gala from back in the day, especially when the production team has gone through these experiences, you feel a sense of stability and reliability. It gives you a feeling of being well-supported. As for Ms. Cui,she is an artist who grew up in Hangzhou. She has an irreplaceable and profound understanding of Hangzhou's characteristics, elements, and culture. I consider myself a creative type, and I think this combination is perfect.



Lu Chuan: We've been through a very lengthy process of choice-making, testing, iterating and correcting efforts to figure out what elements of Hangzhou to use to tell a bigger story about China. At the beginning, we considered [using] silk, tea, those elements. Later we thought people living and working in peace and contentment, will that also be the element representing Hangzhou? For the past three years, our understanding and refining of the elements has been developing in a spiraling process. It is an exploration of the current spiritual life of the Chinese people from the outside to the inside.



Lu Chuan: Film creation is quite different from the opening ceremony. In the world of filmmaking, the author's intent is essential to me. What is authorship? It's essentially individuality or the unique expression of an independent creator. However, in large-scale public art, especially in our current context, I believe we need to emphasize commonality.


杭州亚运会开幕式总导演陆川:即将到来的亚运会,我觉得我们既要在意成绩,但我又觉得在当下, 其实应把它看成一个party。看成一个中国人做东道主,浙江人、杭州人做东道主,欢迎全亚洲的媒体、全亚洲的游客、全亚洲的运动员来中国做客的一个大party,去享受这十几天的体育盛会,我觉得这就是一个最好的体育精神。

Lu Chuan: For the upcoming Asian Games, I think we should not only care about results, but we should actually see it as a party, with Chinese people as hosts, people from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, as hosts welcoming the media, tourists, and athletes from all of Asia to come to China as guests for this big event, big party.


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